Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I have i guess you could call it a guest blogger is actually a comment left on my blog by Kai...whose story is in my post Simple invitation. But i just absolutely think that you should hear what she has to say. you might want to read the post simple invitation first.

This, is Kai.:) **for the record, there was no "husband" issue, my :husband: had been out of the picture a while back, but it is true... I had been deeply depressed and had planned on killing myself that night after eating dinner, but Derrin was so persistant that it made me feel bad to even think of saying no to him. It means alot to me now that on that day, over a month ago- he was brave enough to talk to me. I dove into the LOVE of CHRIST and I haven't looked back since. IT was GOD's timing... and I AM THANKFUL to GOD that he puts people in this world that have LOVE enough to LISTEN to his WORDS and DO as he INSTRUCTS. NOW, I am DAILY involved heavily with the LORD, and planning on going to AIM with you this August! YOU are a great person Evan, and I thank God for you daily! Please remember, for anyone who reads this, sometimes you may have the slightest "interaction" with someone and it may end up being a "life" changing event, in this case, it was not only LIFE changing, it was LIFE SAVING... Hear what GOD says, DO as he ASKS you, and please know that though you may feel a bit out of place doing so, just "showing" that you "care" may be the *ANSWER* to some much needed prayers...:)


preacherman said...

I want you to know that I really enjoyed your blog.
I hope you had a great earth day.
I will be keeping you in my prayers.
God bless..
In Him,
Kinney Mabry,