Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I have as of yesterday started reading a book called Kids Are Americans Too by Bill O'Reilly and Charles Flowers. here is what the back of the book says: "Attention Young Bloviators.... Kids Are Americans Too! And that means you have rights just like everybody else. But it's not enough to just say you have them. You have to know what those rights are...and are not!
Lucky for you, Bill O'Reilly is back, opining for kids on that very subject-your legal rights.
Delving into some of the most constroversial court cases of our time, O'Reilly and his coauthor Chorles Flowers show you how the best of you are advocating for your own rights and respecting the rights of others while the worst o you (and many adults too) are just mouthing off.
While this book was written specifically for you kids, smart parents and educators should read it too!
Things have changed a lot since they were your age, and knowng where one person's rights end and another's begin is the key to success in class, at home, at work, online, and just about everywhere else in this free country of ours. So read on and let people know what you think."

so i will keep you updated and let you know what iv'e learned.