Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Praise God for Young People

Yes i know im young too but you have to hear this story......
So back in March the rest of the team and I went to Houston for our challenge week and we did alot of activities with the youth group. One night i had a conversation with a particular kid named Corey Leighton, whose house we were staying at for a few nights. Well Corey is in Junior High, and we were talking and asked me a question that i didn't have the answer too nor have i ever thought about it... He inquired " Why don't Christians stand up for there faith and proclaim it.... why can't we be as willing to evangelize as people of other religions" and i couldn't give him an answer so i wonder why don't we have that tendency.... and even as a missionary apprentice i fail at this epicly sometimes by missing simple opportunities.

i have another lesson from this kid for another time but thats all i have for you right now. so remember to pray with me about having the eyes of Jesus when it comes to seeing opportunities to introduce them to the truth.

AIMing to fullfil the Great Commission,

Evan Williams